• New Orphan Black Season 3 Video


    via: www.bbcamerica.com/orphan-black

    If you're not familar with the BBC America show Orphan Black, you should be. Centered around a wayward girl named Sarah (played by the amazing Tatiana Maslany) and a massive cloning conspiracy, it hits hard on issues of morality, sexuality, and family ties, with action-packed pacing that makes it one of the best sci-fi shows out there. If you're still an Orphan Black noob, you should really stop reading now and find seasons 1 and 2 to watch...or if you're a cheater, skip to the bottom and watch the four minute Orphan Black recap. Also, just for today, IFC will be marathoning the first two seasons of Orphan Black, and Amazon has the first 10 episodes free for streaming until midnight! Ready to move on to season 3 now? Good, carry on with the spoils.


    It's not like I have some super top secret info, but I know for some shows I like going in fresh, so don't hate. As seen near the end of the season 2, Tatiana Maslany's masterful performance as the Project Leda clones, Sarah, Cosima, Helena, Alison, and Rachel, now has some competition for acting chops with the likes of Ari Millen and the Project Castor male clones! With how wild it is to view all the female Clone Club interacting on screen, I can't wait to see their clash with the male versions.

    It was seriously genius of the screenwriters as well, can you imagine the pitch? "See here, we're gonna save you producers a grip of cheddar by casting a dame and a bloke to play say twenty roles, see?" Yes, apparently the screenwriters have become prohibition era mobsters. But seriously, I would hope the actors weren't rick-rolled into more roles than they signed up for, and are they paid per role, per line, just a flat fee, I wonder how it plays out with their salary. I'd think their agents would have some clause where each additional role equates to a percentage pay increase or something. Not to sound greedy, but that's the biz. And honestly, Tatiana Maslany deserves every penny and a freakin' Emmy.

    via: http://www.blastr.com/2014-10-16/heres-whats-clones-and-whos-back-orphan-black-season-three

    Enough tangentials already! The Season 3 video below gives you some footage in line with the teaser trailer already released, but also more background on Project Castor from executive producer and co-creator Graeme Mason, and insights on the on-screen dynamic between Maslany and Millen. Both play a multitude of clones in the new season, but have to approach the acting of them distinctly, as we are educated that the two clone groups have been raised in signficantly different fashions. The Project Leda female clones have only recently learned of each other's existence, and were raised apart in all different environments, while the Project Castor clones are self aware, understanding they exist as a group. The male clones seem to take on a creepy hive-mind kind of mentality, definitely upping the crazy scale.

    Season 3 of Orphan Black premieres April 18 on BBC America, and will also air simultaneously on all AMC channels, which is really great news for distribution here in the states.

  • TV Show "Dig" Premieres on USA


    Photo: Ronen Akerman/USA Network

    Dig is the new, seriously heavily marketed, conspiracy show premiering on the USA Network tonight, Thursday March 5 at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific; 9 pm Central time. If you're a fan of other shows on the USA Network, you've no doubt seen the promotions for this religious thriller, interrupting your current programming with glitchy symbology and extended sneak peaks during what seems to be almost every commercial break. That being said, I didn't really mind it during The Mummy series marathon this past weekend, and I'm excited to watch the pilot of what is being pitched as a 10 episode event series, with a mix of Indiana Jones meets Homeland. I honestly hope it delivers, despite my concerns that it'll take itself too seriously and run amok with some outrageous incoherent plot, weaving together plot lines covering optimal demographics in an apocalyptic acid trip. But like so many other shows that I've lost momentum on watching, I'll give it a chance for at least 2-3 episodes.

    Based on the teaser footage, there's strong chemistry between leads Jason Isaacs and Anne Heche, as FBI agents investigating the murder of a US citizen in Jerusalem. And a mystery girl (Alison Sudol) with pink hair that reminds me of Milla Jovavich's character Leeloo in The Fifth Element, leads the intrigue as the mediary between order and chaos, as we question the stability and sanity of Isaac's character. I don't see Heche or Isaacs pulling in enough viewers on name alone, so I certainly hope the writing and production hit it out of park. With veteran creators that were involved in Heroes and Homeland, there's a strong chance the chase scenes will be at least a B+ grade. I also hope they figure out how to bring in younger viewers, because based on the casting I've seen thus far, they are mostly attracting the over 30 crowd.

    Overall, I'm crossing my fingers for a Jason Bourne style Da Vinci Code and I'll drink a few beers beforehand so I don't notice the plot holes. Now if I got any of this info wrong, too bad, I didn't want to spoil it for myself. Go watch the pilot and I'll report back if it's either good enough to merit praise or crappy enough to rail on. Over and out.

    The Threat is Real. Geek Threat.

    Check out Dig on USA

    Property: USA Network
